4. Law of Belief
Please read the universal laws overview page first to have an overall perspective before embarking on each law separately, it will just make more sense.
The Law of Belief states that whatever is in your belief system, subconsciously or consciously, whether with feeling and conviction or not, becomes your reality. It is not until you change your belief system that you can begin to change your reality and your performance. This is fact. It is not negotiable, that is the way it works. You were designed this way for very good reason, that being that, you can learn through experience. The quicker you learn, the easier it becomes for you. Please read the article on this web site on Quantum Physics to see how it works in your life.
Please also refer to article on “The Subconscious Mind” in order to understand where and how your belief systems come about and how they run your life for you on your behalf. You put them there, probably unconsciously (that is why it is called the subconscious) at some point in time. If they serve you then that is good and well. If you find that they do not serve you, then YOU need to find them and undo them and then put something else in their place so that they can then serve you in the way you intend. We can help you overcome this rather quickly. Contact us
Another way to state this law is in the context of having faith. All of the religions of the world talk about one’s ability to always keep faith as being a key to happiness and success. Whether you choose to follow religious dogma or not, the Law of Belief is something that can either help you achieve success or keep you from achieving it, depending upon whether you live in accordance with the law. If you believe that you are worth it then you will manifest it! If you believe you can do it then you will!
You have heard the doubters and the naysayers out there, who always proclaim: “I’ll believe it when I see it!” In reality, it is the other way around - it is not until you believe it, that you will see it, no matter what “it” is!
Self-limiting beliefs are perhaps the most detrimental of all thoughts, since they are programmed and continuously working in your operating system, making sure you get what you want but don’t believe you can attain. There is an old saying that states: “whether you think you can or you can’t, your right!” This saying is completely congruent with the Law of Belief. Let me explain through the use of the following hypothetical situation.
We all know someone who is the eldest child in a family. Lets find out how the eldest child is programmed and how that program “runs” their life. This is a shortened condensed story, but it explains the principle. Lets’ say that Paul is the eldest of four children and each subsequent sibling, was born two years apart. In his first two years Paul had the complete attention of his parents and they played with and taught him various things during this period. Paul felt (read, feel, recorded in emotional body) in this period that life was great, and that this was the way that it should be (read, perceive, recorded in his mental body). He was the centre of attention in his world.
Then one day he woke up and found another one there (being his brother or sister). Paul looked at this and said to himself, well he/she will go away soon just like our friends kids go away. As time passed he realises that this new addition is not going away and that the focus of attention has now passed from him onto the little one. He feels left out and no longer the centre of attention. So let’s say he plays up a bit to try and get the attention that he was used to, before the first sibling arrived. Let’s call the next sibling Gavin. Mom and Dad notice this and say to each other, we better get Paul involved with the baby a bit more. So it starts with Paul – won’t you please get the bottle for me for baby Gavin? Paul, wanting to please and to get the attention that he was used to, duly complies. Now he gets praised when he returns: “Gee Paul you are so clever. Thank you”. Paul thinks to himself: “Oh! I get it, in order to get the love and attention that I used to get, I need to do things for others”. Of course this pattern is repeated many times over and so eventually this becomes a belief system within him. This kind of story goes on and on re-enforcing itself over and over.
Now the next saga, when baby Gavin gets a bit bigger and say he is learning to sit. Mom needs to make lunch. She asks Paul to watch baby Gavin while she is busy in the kitchen. Gavin is not so strong yet and has not quiet mastered sitting, falls over and bumps his head and cries. Mom comes running around the corner and shouts at Paul, I asked you to keep an eye on Gavin while I am busy with the lunch. Can’t you just help me a bit! Paul is quiet shocked. “But Mom, he thinks to himself - I am only a little toddler myself - how can I look after another little one also?” So this kind of event goes on and on and then he realises that there is another thing that he has to do and that is to “look after someone else”. This now also becomes a belief system within Paul, as time goes on. Then suddenly another one is born and the same pattern carries on. Now it becomes an entrenched process.
Now the next saga starts to unfold. As the children get bigger, Paul finds himself now being placed in the role of having to take “care” of his siblings, because he is the “eldest and he knows better, while Mom and Dad are busy with something else – say shopping or have gone out. When something has gone wrong or not quite how it was supposed to be, Paul got into trouble from Mom and Dad. Paul now over time figured out that there is a connection here. So in order not to get into trouble, Paul found himself having to be responsible and control the other kids’ behaviour, so that they would not do things that would get him into trouble. After a while a further belief system / thinking pattern of having to control others, forms part of Paul’s life. This now becomes entrenched in his way of thinking / believing and that is the way that he sees life and this is the way he has to conduct his life – it becomes the unconscious game of his life. It becomes the cause of his life. One finds this with most eldest children in that they think the only way to love is to look after another, to be responsible for another, to do for another and that they have to control another (this is normally related to trust and trusting life).
Now one can easily see from this short story that these internal belief systems become a part of oneself rather innocently. Paul grows up thinking that this is the way that life is supposed to operate and unconsciously operates this way – this is the effect! Not only that, but he now attracts a partner into his life who subconsciously wants somebody to be responsible for them, to be controlled and looked after and that he has to do things for them. This typically shows up in romantic relationships that the eldest marries the “youngest” / “young” one in the family. There is national and international statics that prove this fact. Because Paul takes Paul with him wherever he goes, Paul will find that he also operates this way with his friends and in his work environment. He usually has difficulty delegating and is the office controller. All of this is the effect in his life. The cause was instilled in his growing up years.
Another example: You are up for a promotion at work. You have worked hard and feel you are ready but do not believe with conviction that you will get the promotion. There is a belief system somewhere that you took on that you are not good enough (belief with a cause). Or perhaps you feel there are other candidates that are better or more qualified (belief with a cause), or that you are indispensable in your current role (now there is a misguided belief) or it may be some other negative thought pattern (belief with a cause). If these are the beliefs that you implanted in your subconscious mind, it is almost guaranteed that you will not get the promotion. Why? Because your self-limiting beliefs will conspire to hold you back (the effect of the belief)!
These are excellent examples of how good your manifestation skills are already - except that you are using them negatively. Try changing them into the positive! All of the above operates in exactly the way that you want them to behave. Now if the outcome is not the way that you think or like it to be, then you have to go back and see what and how it is that you have programmed your belief system and then change it. We can help! Once you have changed it, then you practice it and practice it and practice it! It will then become an embedded belief system process within you and you will automatically reap what it is that you have sowed - the Law of Belief System combined with the Law of Cause and Effect in action!
The Law of Belief, when understood and practiced, can help anyone to manifest those things in life that they truly want. The trick is that you must first find and release the old belief systems within you first! We can help here! This is essential before you try to reprogram yourself with the new - otherwise it wont work!. When you want to program the new, then you need absolute clarity on your objectives - a solid plan to get you there and then you must believe that you are destined to achieve it. As time passes, you must continuously reinforce this belief in your own mind. It is merely a process that you need to be trained in. We can help!
One of the greatest challenges is to persevere and maintain focus on your goals, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable setbacks or obstacles. The interesting thing in these circumstances is that we tend to observe the world from a very narrow point of view, which is that obstacles are negative and insurmountable. In fact, obstacles help us to grow and are positive! They are absolutely essential! It is part of the Universal plan to strengthen the positive belief systems or inner core within you. Sometimes things go awry and it isn’t until much later that we discover that whatever the setback was, it was there for a good reason. We learned and became stronger from the experience.
By maintaining faith and continuing to live in accordance with the Law of Belief, we are able to achieve our goals, although the path may be somewhat different than we had originally thought! If however, we give up at the first sign of trouble, in other words, our faith or belief fails us, then we can never hope to reach our goals. If we learn to persevere in the face of all obstacles, then eventually we will create the reality that we desire.
What You Can Do
There are four action exercises that you can put in place immediately, to help you in this area.
Find the old non-serving belief systems within you and toss them out. Get rid of them! This requires a lot of honest internal self-searching to find them and eliminate. Find help if you are unskilled in doing this.
Begin to add new positive belief systems to yourself and start to believe them happening today, e.g. that you are destined to be successful in whatever areas you desire. Get very clear and focused on your true desires, make plans to achieve them and then believe with absolute conviction that you will achieve them. The Universe will conspire to help you achieve it once you believe it!
Get into the habit of saying the new belief systems out loud everyday or even a few times during the day, acting as though you have already accomplished your goals and are the success you want to be. Your new behaviour will influence your beliefs, which in turn will help you to manifest your desires!
Be grateful each and every day for your progress and what you have been able to achieve. See our gratitude webpage.
Please read the following articles on this web site in conjunction with this to see what you can do about your life and how to change it. Contact us for help and see article on “Quantum Physics” and “subconscious mind”.
To make a booking, please see the contact details in the footer.
The Law of Belief states that whatever is in your belief system, subconsciously or consciously, whether with feeling and conviction or not, becomes your reality. It is not until you change your belief system that you can begin to change your reality and your performance. This is fact. It is not negotiable, that is the way it works. You were designed this way for very good reason, that being that, you can learn through experience. The quicker you learn, the easier it becomes for you. Please read the article on this web site on Quantum Physics to see how it works in your life.
Please also refer to article on “The Subconscious Mind” in order to understand where and how your belief systems come about and how they run your life for you on your behalf. You put them there, probably unconsciously (that is why it is called the subconscious) at some point in time. If they serve you then that is good and well. If you find that they do not serve you, then YOU need to find them and undo them and then put something else in their place so that they can then serve you in the way you intend. We can help you overcome this rather quickly. Contact us
Another way to state this law is in the context of having faith. All of the religions of the world talk about one’s ability to always keep faith as being a key to happiness and success. Whether you choose to follow religious dogma or not, the Law of Belief is something that can either help you achieve success or keep you from achieving it, depending upon whether you live in accordance with the law. If you believe that you are worth it then you will manifest it! If you believe you can do it then you will!
You have heard the doubters and the naysayers out there, who always proclaim: “I’ll believe it when I see it!” In reality, it is the other way around - it is not until you believe it, that you will see it, no matter what “it” is!
Self-limiting beliefs are perhaps the most detrimental of all thoughts, since they are programmed and continuously working in your operating system, making sure you get what you want but don’t believe you can attain. There is an old saying that states: “whether you think you can or you can’t, your right!” This saying is completely congruent with the Law of Belief. Let me explain through the use of the following hypothetical situation.
We all know someone who is the eldest child in a family. Lets find out how the eldest child is programmed and how that program “runs” their life. This is a shortened condensed story, but it explains the principle. Lets’ say that Paul is the eldest of four children and each subsequent sibling, was born two years apart. In his first two years Paul had the complete attention of his parents and they played with and taught him various things during this period. Paul felt (read, feel, recorded in emotional body) in this period that life was great, and that this was the way that it should be (read, perceive, recorded in his mental body). He was the centre of attention in his world.
Then one day he woke up and found another one there (being his brother or sister). Paul looked at this and said to himself, well he/she will go away soon just like our friends kids go away. As time passed he realises that this new addition is not going away and that the focus of attention has now passed from him onto the little one. He feels left out and no longer the centre of attention. So let’s say he plays up a bit to try and get the attention that he was used to, before the first sibling arrived. Let’s call the next sibling Gavin. Mom and Dad notice this and say to each other, we better get Paul involved with the baby a bit more. So it starts with Paul – won’t you please get the bottle for me for baby Gavin? Paul, wanting to please and to get the attention that he was used to, duly complies. Now he gets praised when he returns: “Gee Paul you are so clever. Thank you”. Paul thinks to himself: “Oh! I get it, in order to get the love and attention that I used to get, I need to do things for others”. Of course this pattern is repeated many times over and so eventually this becomes a belief system within him. This kind of story goes on and on re-enforcing itself over and over.
Now the next saga, when baby Gavin gets a bit bigger and say he is learning to sit. Mom needs to make lunch. She asks Paul to watch baby Gavin while she is busy in the kitchen. Gavin is not so strong yet and has not quiet mastered sitting, falls over and bumps his head and cries. Mom comes running around the corner and shouts at Paul, I asked you to keep an eye on Gavin while I am busy with the lunch. Can’t you just help me a bit! Paul is quiet shocked. “But Mom, he thinks to himself - I am only a little toddler myself - how can I look after another little one also?” So this kind of event goes on and on and then he realises that there is another thing that he has to do and that is to “look after someone else”. This now also becomes a belief system within Paul, as time goes on. Then suddenly another one is born and the same pattern carries on. Now it becomes an entrenched process.
Now the next saga starts to unfold. As the children get bigger, Paul finds himself now being placed in the role of having to take “care” of his siblings, because he is the “eldest and he knows better, while Mom and Dad are busy with something else – say shopping or have gone out. When something has gone wrong or not quite how it was supposed to be, Paul got into trouble from Mom and Dad. Paul now over time figured out that there is a connection here. So in order not to get into trouble, Paul found himself having to be responsible and control the other kids’ behaviour, so that they would not do things that would get him into trouble. After a while a further belief system / thinking pattern of having to control others, forms part of Paul’s life. This now becomes entrenched in his way of thinking / believing and that is the way that he sees life and this is the way he has to conduct his life – it becomes the unconscious game of his life. It becomes the cause of his life. One finds this with most eldest children in that they think the only way to love is to look after another, to be responsible for another, to do for another and that they have to control another (this is normally related to trust and trusting life).
Now one can easily see from this short story that these internal belief systems become a part of oneself rather innocently. Paul grows up thinking that this is the way that life is supposed to operate and unconsciously operates this way – this is the effect! Not only that, but he now attracts a partner into his life who subconsciously wants somebody to be responsible for them, to be controlled and looked after and that he has to do things for them. This typically shows up in romantic relationships that the eldest marries the “youngest” / “young” one in the family. There is national and international statics that prove this fact. Because Paul takes Paul with him wherever he goes, Paul will find that he also operates this way with his friends and in his work environment. He usually has difficulty delegating and is the office controller. All of this is the effect in his life. The cause was instilled in his growing up years.
Another example: You are up for a promotion at work. You have worked hard and feel you are ready but do not believe with conviction that you will get the promotion. There is a belief system somewhere that you took on that you are not good enough (belief with a cause). Or perhaps you feel there are other candidates that are better or more qualified (belief with a cause), or that you are indispensable in your current role (now there is a misguided belief) or it may be some other negative thought pattern (belief with a cause). If these are the beliefs that you implanted in your subconscious mind, it is almost guaranteed that you will not get the promotion. Why? Because your self-limiting beliefs will conspire to hold you back (the effect of the belief)!
These are excellent examples of how good your manifestation skills are already - except that you are using them negatively. Try changing them into the positive! All of the above operates in exactly the way that you want them to behave. Now if the outcome is not the way that you think or like it to be, then you have to go back and see what and how it is that you have programmed your belief system and then change it. We can help! Once you have changed it, then you practice it and practice it and practice it! It will then become an embedded belief system process within you and you will automatically reap what it is that you have sowed - the Law of Belief System combined with the Law of Cause and Effect in action!
The Law of Belief, when understood and practiced, can help anyone to manifest those things in life that they truly want. The trick is that you must first find and release the old belief systems within you first! We can help here! This is essential before you try to reprogram yourself with the new - otherwise it wont work!. When you want to program the new, then you need absolute clarity on your objectives - a solid plan to get you there and then you must believe that you are destined to achieve it. As time passes, you must continuously reinforce this belief in your own mind. It is merely a process that you need to be trained in. We can help!
One of the greatest challenges is to persevere and maintain focus on your goals, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable setbacks or obstacles. The interesting thing in these circumstances is that we tend to observe the world from a very narrow point of view, which is that obstacles are negative and insurmountable. In fact, obstacles help us to grow and are positive! They are absolutely essential! It is part of the Universal plan to strengthen the positive belief systems or inner core within you. Sometimes things go awry and it isn’t until much later that we discover that whatever the setback was, it was there for a good reason. We learned and became stronger from the experience.
By maintaining faith and continuing to live in accordance with the Law of Belief, we are able to achieve our goals, although the path may be somewhat different than we had originally thought! If however, we give up at the first sign of trouble, in other words, our faith or belief fails us, then we can never hope to reach our goals. If we learn to persevere in the face of all obstacles, then eventually we will create the reality that we desire.
What You Can Do
There are four action exercises that you can put in place immediately, to help you in this area.
Find the old non-serving belief systems within you and toss them out. Get rid of them! This requires a lot of honest internal self-searching to find them and eliminate. Find help if you are unskilled in doing this.
Begin to add new positive belief systems to yourself and start to believe them happening today, e.g. that you are destined to be successful in whatever areas you desire. Get very clear and focused on your true desires, make plans to achieve them and then believe with absolute conviction that you will achieve them. The Universe will conspire to help you achieve it once you believe it!
Get into the habit of saying the new belief systems out loud everyday or even a few times during the day, acting as though you have already accomplished your goals and are the success you want to be. Your new behaviour will influence your beliefs, which in turn will help you to manifest your desires!
Be grateful each and every day for your progress and what you have been able to achieve. See our gratitude webpage.
Please read the following articles on this web site in conjunction with this to see what you can do about your life and how to change it. Contact us for help and see article on “Quantum Physics” and “subconscious mind”.
To make a booking, please see the contact details in the footer.