Body Energetics

The picture to the side gives you a broad idea of what our body energy systems look like, should you be psychically able to see it. Understanding the makeup of our energy body gives us clues about ourselves. For instance from a high level perspective, there are three distinct layers namely: the emotional or feeling body, the mental or thinking body and the spiritual body. These three layers make up who you are as a person. If we had to make a pie chart of these three we would see what the core pieces are that we need to develop within ourselves. When we have developed these three fully, we become a balanced human being.
Most of humanity is better developed in the mental section and very little on the others. There are many reasons for this, but the most being survival and the nature of schooling and the way society works. Most of humanity feels illiterate. A bold statement but true! Many think that emotions are feelings and they are not. The spiritual component is all about you and your connection to the divine and your soul as well as your spiritual understanding and connection.
The combination of all of these, make up your energy system. You can and do influence your energy system with your growth. The more you grow across the three layers the greater the impact is on your energy system. The more you grow, the better your energy system is able to attract to you the things and opportunities you want from life.
As part of your growth, it is important to understand how you influence and program this energy body with your negativity and blockages. This negativity and blockages attracts your life circumstances to you, which are directly reflected in your external circumstances. When you change internally then your life's circumstances change as well. There is a direct correlation between you, your energy body and your external world.
The energy vortexes in our energy system are called Chakras. Each of us has them and they all operate in the same manner and in a similar way that each of us has a heart. There are seven main chakras. Each energy centre / chakra has a specific purpose and each has a physical and a psychological (mental, feeling and spiritual) function to it. To find out more please read “The Law of Attraction”. We have programmed each of these vortexes according to our belief systems that we take on during our life. To understand this better, please see article on “The Subconscious Mind” on this website.
Therefore, it follows that whatever we have programmed into our subconscious mind is our centre of our personal power. If we want to change the structure of our personal power we have to change our mind. It is as simple as that!
Quantum Energy
The cosmos is just a form of Universal energy that obeys the science of physics, based on these three principles:
If you are like cosmic magnets, you could learn how to use your energy within the Universal Energy or Quantum Energy field, to help you attract whatever you want. The irony of the matter is that you are currently doing it on a subconscious basis. All that you need to do is learn how to do it on a conscious basis and thereby manifest exactly what you want, in the now. Your thoughts and feelings sends out a magnetic field and the Universal energy matches your attraction by giving you more of the samey resonant energy. That is why our life reflects your belief systems. In other words, the Universe supports you exactly with what you have requested. If there are aspects to your life you don’t like, then change it.
Healing Energy
The human energy system includes the upward and downward flow of universal energy into the human body and the seven major chakras or energy vortices, which attach to the spinal column. The application of “Energy Healing” is nothing else than using these energy vortices to apply energy to in order to energise and balance them. Sometimes you have to clean them first before you apply energy to it. To find out more, please see the article on “Energy Healing”.
The Universe's Energy is there to support you – use it. When you use it properly, you will be amazed at the results!
The Body's Energy System and the Law of Attraction
One of the functions of our crown chakra is to run our operating system in accordance with the programming of the belief system that we have placed in each of our energy centres or chakras. Also, see the article on quantum physics for the mechanics of this process, on this website.
The best-selling DVD movie, The Secret, wonderfully explores the Law of Attraction through the voices and ideas of several scholars and has inspired many of us, to take deeper notice of our thoughts, feelings and intentions. The law of attraction states that we attract to ourselves, both consciously and unconsciously, whatever we give our attention / programming to. This attraction occurs whether our focus is to have something or to not have something (positive or negative). Therefore, to attract what we really want, we should use only positive thoughts and feelings to bring it forth or put differently, program ourselves positively for what we want in our lives.
The law of attraction can best be explained as Universal energy, which obeys the science of physics, based on the three principles mentioned above under Quantum Energy. Also mentioned above, we are like cosmic magnets and our thoughts and feelings send out a magnetic field and Universal energy matches our attraction by giving us more of the same, resonant energy. That is why your life reflects your belief systems. If there are aspects to it you don’t like, then change it.
The benefits of positive thinking are not new or secret, but because The Secret bundles its messages in such an uplifting way, it refreshes our perception of ourselves as magnificent attractors / creators. However, even if we’ve been practicing the concepts brought out so clearly in the movie, we often still experience wanting something for years, doing all the “right” affirmations, intentions, inspired actions and visualisations only to find our efforts lead nowhere. Invariably, the relationship is still missing, the job remains unfulfilling and the New Year’s resolutions go poof after a few days!
Why does this happen?
Clearing our energy system of that which blocks us, is a key element required to fulfil the Law of Attraction. In fact, the secret about the movie “The Secret” is that in order to attract what you want you first have to clear your own energy field / belief systems / self programming of that which blocks the way or sabotages you. Otherwise you are trying to overlay what you have already put there and then your system responds in way “Oh really, I don’t believe you”. In our energy fields we have to clear first before we add the new. That is the way we consciously learn, which is also what we are supposed to do.
Below is a very brief explanation of each of the primary chakra energy systems in your body covering its basic function! You have hundreds of chakras, however, these have the most impact on your life.
Base Chakra
Located at the base of the spine and governed by the earth element, the base chakra provides grounding and support for the entire energy system. It is the last chakra in the downward flow of Universal energy and is the foundation for materialising our ideas and intentions. The purpose of this chakra is to facilitate our ability to manifest on the Earth plane, i.e. the physical.
When this chakra is threatened, we experience fear. Fear counteracts the sense of safety and security that this chakra ideally brings. When blocked, the base chakra can bring about fear of survival and attract energy that makes manifestation difficult. Facing our fear helps to wake this chakra up.
Without grounding we are unstable, we lose our centre, fly off the handle, get swept off our feet, or daydream in the fantasy world. We lose our ability to contain, to have, or to hold. This is a place where our ideas are tested out and become reality, as is the place where our beliefs systems are tested to see if they are real. That which has ground, substance and validity will find its way into manifestation. Our base chakra forms the foundation of everything we do and upon which it rests. Work and routine is a grounding activity. It supports structure and forms and builds a foundation. Through focus and repetition, energies become dense enough to manifest. The physical world is not the goal, but only the tool that facilitates the ability to test out our ideas and our belief systems. Materialism can become a trap – do not become addicted to it. To be and to have are the fundamental rights we all have within this base chakra.
Self-worth is the primary focus of this chakra. Developing our ability to have things increases our self-worth. This is a developed skill.
Our body houses our spirit and it is home to our spirit throughout our life. The language is form and how we are, is reflected in the body. The body is the hardware through which all information is brought - it houses our learning’s about ourselves and reflects our belief systems and all the programming within us.
Sacral Chakra
Located below the belly button. It is in this chakra that our unity/solidity becomes duality. We move from the element of the earth to that of water where solid becomes liquid, stillness becomes movement and form becomes formless. We gain freedom from the solid state but must now manage a far more complex element that has lots of different characteristics to solid matter.
Our consciousness moves from a feeling of unity to the realisation of difference. Our understanding of self now includes the awareness of the other. Connecting with the other raises the issue of desire, emotions and sexuality. We long to unite, to overcome our separateness, to reach out and grow. To do this we must be able to accept change, as change is necessary for our development. Without change, there is no growth, no movement, and no life. Consciousness thrives on change.
The Pleasure Principle
There is a natural tendency to move toward pleasure and away from pain. When in a state of pleasure it generally indicates that it is safe, while freeing our attention for other things. The secret is to use a particular energy of pleasure, without getting excessively attached.
Pleasure invites us to expand while pain generally makes us contract. Moving from the fixed form (base) into limitless consciousness, pleasure may become the route we use that we invite consciousness to travel along our entire nervous system, as well as to reach out to others.
Emotion is energy in motion. When we emote, we are moving energy out of the unconscious through the body into the conscious mind. This flow charges, cleanses and heals the body. It is movement of our life force, through which we achieve change. Pleasure and emotions is the root of our desires. Through desires we create movement. Through movement we create change. Change stimulates consciousness, which in turn thrives on change. This is the essence of the function of the sacral chakra.
Sexuality is a life force. Sexuality is the sacred ritual of union through the celebration of difference. It is an expansive movement of the life force - it is the dance that balances, restores, renews and reproduces. It is the source of new life and the force of the future. It is the mover and the healer of the life force within us. Sexuality is a profound rhythm pulsing through all biological life. Denying cuts us off from our subtle feelings and emotions housed in the lower chakra's and so we become cut off from our ground, our wholeness, our sense if inner-satisfaction, our sense of peace and most importantly, our expression of bringing heaven to earth. It is the joiner of hearts!
Tantrism teaches that the body is sacred and that the senses can bring about enlightenment, ecstasy and joy. Sexual union is only a minor part of this teaching. Anyone can nurture and everyone needs it. It is like watering a thirsty plant. We respond to flow, to movement, to dance of life in its infinite pleasures and mysteries. Through this act, life is preserved and renewed!
Solar Plexus Chakra
The third chakra located above the belly button, helps us manifest all of who we are, including our values, visions and goals. It’s where we hold our sense of self and use our personal power to carry out our intentions. Governed by the fire element, the third chakra is where we take action. When blocked, we don’t have enough fire, or energy to act. We can become passive and unable to muster up the discipline, courage or confidence required to create what we want.
As we reclaim our bodies and reach through the emotion and desire to find our will, purpose and action. As we grow in strength, we feel our power going in strength from our guts, descending from our vision, releasing joyously from our hearts. This is the meeting place of our energies, from the upper chakra's descending down with our vision, expression and love and the lower two chakra's embracing the solidity and growing with the flow of life.
The first chakra brings us solidity, stability, focus and structure. The second chakra brings us the experienced difference, change, and movement. Here we embrace the polarities and discover the passions of difference, choice, emotion, and desire. These two combined create a third state of energy known as combustion – fire. It is through our will that we liberate ourselves from fixed patterns and create new behaviour, i.e. transformation. Doing something with ease and grace is the mark of true power.
Of course all three chakras operate together all the time and we cannot just focus on one, but when we separate the function of each for intellectual understanding, we can better integrate the teachings within, causing internal healing.
The Lustrous Gem
This started as the pre-natal source of our nourishment and energy. In the body this chakra connects with the adrenal glands. It is the adrenalin that creates the fight or flight action. Those butterfly feelings are the energies going up rather than coming down from the upper chakras, yet there is an awakened feeling of heightened sensitivity. When we are grounded, this stimulation from the upper chakras becomes our power and we become empowered and vitalised. Without grounding the energy flows all over the place until we become grounded.
Power that involves domination over one party by another, commonly called “power over” is not true power. As we can see from the way that power is developed within us, we need to develop power as integration, power within and the power of connecting with the forces of life. Power only exists in the doing, in the power of change or ideas. We can replace “power over” with “power to”. Power results from combining and integrating rather than fighting and dominating.
Will is consciously controlled change. As the second chakra opens dualities, we are presented with choices. Making those choices gives birth to the will. Will is the means that we overcome the lower chakra inertia and the essential spark that ignites our flame of our power. Will, is the combination of mind and action, the conscious direction of desire, the means through which we create our future. Personal power without will is impossible. This is why will is the primary key to development of the solar plexus / third chakra.
The attributes of: power, will, vitality and self-discipline are ultimately based on self-esteem. When our self-esteem is high we are assertive, confident, proactive, disciplined and feel really good about life. When our self-esteem is low, we are filled with doubt and self-recriminations, lethargy, laziness, block everything, become paralysed, etc. and we can loathe life.
Self-esteem is essential for forming a good foundation for the opening of the heart and maintaining successful relationships. If we have developed our lower chakras properly, then our partner does not need to make us secure, interpret our feelings, or bolster our ego. We are then ready to move completely into the experience of delightful love.
Breaking Powerlessness
Knowledge is power. Most powerlessness is the result of ignorance about how to behave effectively. There are many ways to becoming powerful and some may be by doing some or all of the following block breakers: breaking inertia, avoid invalidation, get personal energy to flow correctly, effort and resistance indicators are something you must stop doing, break attachments by letting go, attention, grounding, anger, increasing information, love, laughter, take care of yourself and finally, empowerment meditation.
Heart Chakra
This chakra is the central point, the essence and kernel of Truth. This is where we go to “the heart of the matter”, which is our spiritual centre, the core, the place that unifies forces from above and below, within and without. The task of the heart chakra is to balance the various aspects of our being. This brings us steadiness and continuity. It is the “binding” force that holds all together - the building blocks of life.
It is the divine presence of empathic connection, rather than an extension of our desire and / or need. If our will is properly channelled and our needs have been fulfilled or transcended, then love can emerge with a deep sense of peace that comes from a lack of need, with a joyous acceptance of our place among all things and the radiance that comes from inner harmony.
The Still Centre Point
In the body, it relates to the cardiac plexus and rules over the heart, the lungs, and the thymus gland. If a spiral is placed over the chakra system of the body, we see that the “heart” is at the centre of it all. The spiral is telling us that the heart knows it all; this is where it all starts to unfold into its full power. It is the unfolding of what is hidden. For the heart to function properly it needs an understanding of the world and it’s inter-relationships of other things.
Love is what we all need and want. Many live in fear of it and will do anything that threatens its existence. The way that we are taught love from our parents, were conditioned in some way. This may have been through the approval route or lack of approval, or conditioned approval. Blocking the flow of love usually decreases the flow of what we receive as well. It is a vicious cycle. The old saying of “what you give is what you get”. Rejection at our inner core is what we, as humans, fear most. Rejection of it brings a state of imbalance. The heart is the integrator; rejection is the “dis-integrator. Love involves all the chakras and they are all to be functioning fully for us to know that we love and are fully loved.
Relationship and Balance
If the heart chakra is out of balance, it throws the whole entire system out of balance. This can be due to a number of factors such as: imbalance between giving and receiving, basic life force, spiritual evolution, money, sex, power, housework, childcare, communication, etc. There needs to be balance between upper and lower chakras, between mind and body, between inner and outer worlds, between self and transcendence. Lastly, the heart needs to be balanced between input and output and because love is everywhere, we can give freely of love, as there is an infinite supply.
Healing energy is the restoration of balance. When we encounter imbalance, whether it is caused by a germ, injury, emotion, stress, it is still a place of imbalance. This imbalance unbalances the organism and destroys the natural resonant affinity. When the heart is open and comes from a place of balance there is a natural tendency or urge to heal. This is spirituality spreading itself around.
Breath – The Heart of Life
Breath is one of the most powerful tools for transforming ourselves, for burning up toxins, for releasing stored emotions, changing body structure and changing consciousness. By learning to breathe deeply we can change our whole body structure and once changed, the body hungers for this increased supply of oxygen. It is a natural healing oriented process.
Throat Chakra
Communication is the connecting principle that makes life possible. Communication happens in all sorts of ways: nerve communication, DNA communication, brain waves and muscle tissue, defence against disease, growth of the body, etc. Society is equally dependent on communication to get things done in the business world. Communication networks are the cultural nervous system, connecting us all.
The throat chakra is the centre related to communication through sound, vibration, self-expression, and creativity. It is the realm of consciousness that controls, creates, transmits, and receives communication, both within ourselves and with each other. It is the centre of dynamic creativity, of synthesising old ideas into something new. Its attributes include listening, speaking, writing, chanting, telepathy and any of the arts, especially those related to sound and language.
Communication is an act of connection. Before communication there was diverging views, after communication there are now common views. Communication between people is parting of information from one brain to another. It is the sharing of information, it is the extending of, it is the expanding of, allowing our world to become larger.
Truth and Lies
We all need to speak our truth to express our individuality. Repressed people will speak only that which they want to hear. A fearful person will be afraid to speak their truth. A person without ego strength (self-esteem) and will, will be afraid of what others think and give up their authenticity, i.e. who they are.
The Purifier
This implies two things about this centre. The first is that, greater levels of sensitivity are required to successfully reach and open the throat chakra; the body must attain a certain level of purification. The second is that sound, as a vibration and a force inherent in all things, has a purifying nature. Sound has the ability to affect the cellular structure of matter.
Sound – Subtle World of Vibration
Operating from the fifth level chakra, we become aware of things on a vibrational level. We may choose to respond on a vibrational level from the tone of the voice rather than the actual voice or words, for us to know what is actually going on. Unfortunately most of us are not consciously aware of our actions and reactions on this plane.
Resonance is a very important concept to understand for the fifth chakra. If we are unable to tune into / entrain ourselves into the frequencies around us, we cannot experience our connection to the world. If we cannot entrain, we cannot communicate. Without communication we are isolated, separate, cut off from the nourishing energy so vital to health. Communication, be it oral, chemical, mental, or electrical, creates / facilitates that the ethers be translated into matter, which creates and maintains life. Without it we die, both spirituality and physically. Yet, language is the tip of the iceberg of communication.
Communication is a creative process. As we express ourselves we are exercising the creative power within ourselves, to facilitate that expression. The process of creation is a process of inner discovery. In creating art we open ourselves up to the Universe and we become channels for information and learning a language more Universal than human tongues.
Third-Eye Chakra
The third eye, located about an inch above the bridge of the nose, is where we receive inspiration and intuition and where we connect with other dimensional realms. The essence and functioning of this chakra is the gift of seeing both the inner and outer worlds. The two-fold nature of the chakra is to take in images through perception, but also to form images from which we command our reality, commonly known as creative visualisation. To hold an image in the mind increases the possibility of it becoming manifest or materialising.
Light has the ability to carry information on it that enables us to gain insight to and to see. Our primary information comes through our eyes, our ability to see patterns and interpret them. Once we see what the pattern is becoming, we can intuit the steps necessary to complete it.
Pattern Recognition
At a critical point in the assembling of information, the incomplete pattern reveals the whole. This is a function / task of this Chakra. Its function is to assemble information into meaningful patterns for the self. Through the process of self-reflection we start to lead ourselves into self-knowledge and wholeness.
Illusion is often something that we feel should be, but usually it is an image of what it currently is not. Our attachment to it pulls us out of the present time, where we may see realistically. The more we invest in the illusion the harder it is to let go of it. The investment seals or encapsulates the energy into an illusion, giving it what we call archetypal proportions or conditions. This encapsulation of this illusion leads us along the path of repetitive cycles that keep us from true understanding.
Archetypes can be symbolically represented by what is called the archetypal image. When an archetypal image is not fully integrated into the ego, then we are subject to illusion.
Dreams link the conscious and the unconscious mind or put differently, dreams unlock the mystery that unites the Soul and Spirit, individual and Universal, into a dynamic and synthesized whole.
Intuition is the unconscious recognition of pattern. The development of intuition enhances our psychic abilities and it is a central function of this chakra.
The final outcome of working with this chakra, with its archetypes and images, dreams and fantasies, symbols and illusions, are the symbol of the emergence of our own personal vision. Vision uses imagination to create something that has never been seen before. Its image, held in our mind becomes the blueprint for our construction of reality. It becomes the new picture, the new way of seeing, through which the light of our consciousness will shine.
Crown Chakra
The crown chakra, at the top of the head, is where our Divine Self connects to the human form and where we experience oneness with the Universe. This is where we receive divine wisdom and the flow of higher light. The Separation of spirituality from the rest of life leaves us spiritually homeless. In many circles it is construed that to become spiritual or to seek enlightenment means to deny the basic nature of our biological existence. This chasm between heaven and earth creates a corresponding abyss between spirit and soul that many fall into, as they try to engage their spiritual learning’s.
Sentient beings have the capacity to tap into the universal field of intelligence, where vast stores of information reside, much along the lines of how a personal computer can access information across the Internet. Opening the crown chakra is about expanding our awareness so that it can embrace the larger portion of the universal field of consciousness.
Diving in the River of Consciousness
Until now, the journey through the lower chakras has enabled us to approach our learning’s and teachings in a more rational way. It is almost like sitting on the bank of a river and watching the water flow by. In a way, it is like we have learnt all about the reasons why the water flows, how much it flows, why the flow varies, etc., etc. If we now immerse ourselves into the river, our perspective of things as to how they work and function now, shifts dramatically. This symbology is similar to us plunging into the mythical system.
The Witness/ The Authentic Self
Sometimes the consciousness within is referred to as the witness. The witness is something above and beyond the body and its experience. The witness sits behind our normal activity, watching without judgment our changing emotions, the flurry of thoughts, the impulses and attachments. To become aware of the witness is to become aware of the essence that dwells within. We need to go about life being aware of the witness inside of us, at all times.
Belief Systems
Each of the lower chakras up to this point will all be operating according to our belief systems for each particular chakra. If we look at the crown chakra and we use the analogy that the crown chakra is like an operating system, then the operating system will interpret the instructions given to it according to the program (belief system) of each of the chakras. In other words, it MAKES meaning out of each of them, according to how we have programmed them with our belief systems.
Attachment – the Demon of the Crown Chakra
While attachment is necessary for making and maintaining commitments essential to the lower chakras, it inhibits our ability to expand in the crown chakra. Attachment denies the constantly fluid state of the Universal system. The evaluation of attachments needs to be approached from a point of balance.
Higher Power
Opening up to a higher power and the mystical and transcendental side of spirituality in general, requires the ability to surrender. Only by surrendering our attachments, our unworkable belief systems, our addictive habits and our need to control, can we truly experience the magnitude of our magnificent Self. Only then - and only then, do we open ourselves to the abundant possibilities that exist. This is the secret about “The Secret”.
Transcendence and Immanence
The purpose of moving up or developing ourselves through the chakras is one of constant transcendence, where each new level encompasses the chakra below into a larger framework. The experience of transcendence is one of personal liberation.
Clearing your Energy System
Universal energy has both an upward and a downward flow through the body. The upward flow of energy is from the earth and liberates us. When clear, this energy flow can release us from fixed ideas or patterns that aren’t helpful. The downward flow of energy comes in through the crown of the head and is the energy of manifestation. When this flow is clear, we get ideas and inspiration from our upper chakras and we act on them using our lower chakras. So, if there is a block in the upper flow of energy, we stay fixed in our thoughts and behaviors that might be preventing us from creating more of who we are and what we want. If there is a block in the downward flow, we can have ideas, but we are unable to manifest them into the world.
All of your thoughts, feelings, belief systems and vibrations create your aura, the field of Universal energy surrounding your body. The aura is your personal energy climate, which travels with you throughout the day 24/7, attracting positive and negative experiences that match its unique magnetic energies. This universal energy also runs through the chakras. The seven major chakras govern different aspects of our body and consciousness and influence how we feel, act and manifest.
We can now see the impact of our energy system on our lives and what happens to us, for we directly attract it! The condition of the human energy system influences how effectively we are able to work with the Law of Attraction because the energy system is the magnetic force that attracts people, circumstances and events to us. While positive thoughts and feelings have an instant impact on the energy system, some energy’s have been manifested on a denser, physical level. The mind stores impressions of everything it perceives and our emotional body stores our experiences. Sadness, self-doubt, anger, lack, insufficient, never enough or any negative thoughts or behaviour patterns that have built up over time, create blockages in the energy system that need to be released before we can create change.
A block means the energy is not in motion and we can’t access the higher aspects of ourselves. We have to clear the block before we can access the higher aspects of ourselves.
You have now been on quite a journey about the energy centres of your body. You have discovered that there is more to you than meets the eye. When you develop more and more, so your system becomes clearer and you are able to attract whatever you want more easily.
We all are wondrous beings. The trick is, we just have to realise it!
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The picture to the side gives you a broad idea of what our body energy systems look like, should you be psychically able to see it. Understanding the makeup of our energy body gives us clues about ourselves. For instance from a high level perspective, there are three distinct layers namely: the emotional or feeling body, the mental or thinking body and the spiritual body. These three layers make up who you are as a person. If we had to make a pie chart of these three we would see what the core pieces are that we need to develop within ourselves. When we have developed these three fully, we become a balanced human being.
Most of humanity is better developed in the mental section and very little on the others. There are many reasons for this, but the most being survival and the nature of schooling and the way society works. Most of humanity feels illiterate. A bold statement but true! Many think that emotions are feelings and they are not. The spiritual component is all about you and your connection to the divine and your soul as well as your spiritual understanding and connection.
The combination of all of these, make up your energy system. You can and do influence your energy system with your growth. The more you grow across the three layers the greater the impact is on your energy system. The more you grow, the better your energy system is able to attract to you the things and opportunities you want from life.
As part of your growth, it is important to understand how you influence and program this energy body with your negativity and blockages. This negativity and blockages attracts your life circumstances to you, which are directly reflected in your external circumstances. When you change internally then your life's circumstances change as well. There is a direct correlation between you, your energy body and your external world.
The energy vortexes in our energy system are called Chakras. Each of us has them and they all operate in the same manner and in a similar way that each of us has a heart. There are seven main chakras. Each energy centre / chakra has a specific purpose and each has a physical and a psychological (mental, feeling and spiritual) function to it. To find out more please read “The Law of Attraction”. We have programmed each of these vortexes according to our belief systems that we take on during our life. To understand this better, please see article on “The Subconscious Mind” on this website.
Therefore, it follows that whatever we have programmed into our subconscious mind is our centre of our personal power. If we want to change the structure of our personal power we have to change our mind. It is as simple as that!
Quantum Energy
The cosmos is just a form of Universal energy that obeys the science of physics, based on these three principles:
- Everything is energy
- Energy follows thought
- What you focus on, you get more of
If you are like cosmic magnets, you could learn how to use your energy within the Universal Energy or Quantum Energy field, to help you attract whatever you want. The irony of the matter is that you are currently doing it on a subconscious basis. All that you need to do is learn how to do it on a conscious basis and thereby manifest exactly what you want, in the now. Your thoughts and feelings sends out a magnetic field and the Universal energy matches your attraction by giving you more of the samey resonant energy. That is why our life reflects your belief systems. In other words, the Universe supports you exactly with what you have requested. If there are aspects to your life you don’t like, then change it.
Healing Energy
The human energy system includes the upward and downward flow of universal energy into the human body and the seven major chakras or energy vortices, which attach to the spinal column. The application of “Energy Healing” is nothing else than using these energy vortices to apply energy to in order to energise and balance them. Sometimes you have to clean them first before you apply energy to it. To find out more, please see the article on “Energy Healing”.
The Universe's Energy is there to support you – use it. When you use it properly, you will be amazed at the results!
The Body's Energy System and the Law of Attraction
One of the functions of our crown chakra is to run our operating system in accordance with the programming of the belief system that we have placed in each of our energy centres or chakras. Also, see the article on quantum physics for the mechanics of this process, on this website.
The best-selling DVD movie, The Secret, wonderfully explores the Law of Attraction through the voices and ideas of several scholars and has inspired many of us, to take deeper notice of our thoughts, feelings and intentions. The law of attraction states that we attract to ourselves, both consciously and unconsciously, whatever we give our attention / programming to. This attraction occurs whether our focus is to have something or to not have something (positive or negative). Therefore, to attract what we really want, we should use only positive thoughts and feelings to bring it forth or put differently, program ourselves positively for what we want in our lives.
The law of attraction can best be explained as Universal energy, which obeys the science of physics, based on the three principles mentioned above under Quantum Energy. Also mentioned above, we are like cosmic magnets and our thoughts and feelings send out a magnetic field and Universal energy matches our attraction by giving us more of the same, resonant energy. That is why your life reflects your belief systems. If there are aspects to it you don’t like, then change it.
The benefits of positive thinking are not new or secret, but because The Secret bundles its messages in such an uplifting way, it refreshes our perception of ourselves as magnificent attractors / creators. However, even if we’ve been practicing the concepts brought out so clearly in the movie, we often still experience wanting something for years, doing all the “right” affirmations, intentions, inspired actions and visualisations only to find our efforts lead nowhere. Invariably, the relationship is still missing, the job remains unfulfilling and the New Year’s resolutions go poof after a few days!
Why does this happen?
- Firstly, we are not alone in the creative process. Our soul is at work and sometimes our soul knows best what is for our highest good or what lessons we require for our Soul growth. These may not be apparent to our conscious mind.
- Secondly, divine timing. Sometimes the Universe simply asks us to wait until the timing is right.
- Thirdly, the factor of manifestation is our own personal energy system that can both support and/or challenge our abilities.
Clearing our energy system of that which blocks us, is a key element required to fulfil the Law of Attraction. In fact, the secret about the movie “The Secret” is that in order to attract what you want you first have to clear your own energy field / belief systems / self programming of that which blocks the way or sabotages you. Otherwise you are trying to overlay what you have already put there and then your system responds in way “Oh really, I don’t believe you”. In our energy fields we have to clear first before we add the new. That is the way we consciously learn, which is also what we are supposed to do.
Below is a very brief explanation of each of the primary chakra energy systems in your body covering its basic function! You have hundreds of chakras, however, these have the most impact on your life.
Base Chakra
Located at the base of the spine and governed by the earth element, the base chakra provides grounding and support for the entire energy system. It is the last chakra in the downward flow of Universal energy and is the foundation for materialising our ideas and intentions. The purpose of this chakra is to facilitate our ability to manifest on the Earth plane, i.e. the physical.
When this chakra is threatened, we experience fear. Fear counteracts the sense of safety and security that this chakra ideally brings. When blocked, the base chakra can bring about fear of survival and attract energy that makes manifestation difficult. Facing our fear helps to wake this chakra up.
Without grounding we are unstable, we lose our centre, fly off the handle, get swept off our feet, or daydream in the fantasy world. We lose our ability to contain, to have, or to hold. This is a place where our ideas are tested out and become reality, as is the place where our beliefs systems are tested to see if they are real. That which has ground, substance and validity will find its way into manifestation. Our base chakra forms the foundation of everything we do and upon which it rests. Work and routine is a grounding activity. It supports structure and forms and builds a foundation. Through focus and repetition, energies become dense enough to manifest. The physical world is not the goal, but only the tool that facilitates the ability to test out our ideas and our belief systems. Materialism can become a trap – do not become addicted to it. To be and to have are the fundamental rights we all have within this base chakra.
Self-worth is the primary focus of this chakra. Developing our ability to have things increases our self-worth. This is a developed skill.
Our body houses our spirit and it is home to our spirit throughout our life. The language is form and how we are, is reflected in the body. The body is the hardware through which all information is brought - it houses our learning’s about ourselves and reflects our belief systems and all the programming within us.
Sacral Chakra
Located below the belly button. It is in this chakra that our unity/solidity becomes duality. We move from the element of the earth to that of water where solid becomes liquid, stillness becomes movement and form becomes formless. We gain freedom from the solid state but must now manage a far more complex element that has lots of different characteristics to solid matter.
Our consciousness moves from a feeling of unity to the realisation of difference. Our understanding of self now includes the awareness of the other. Connecting with the other raises the issue of desire, emotions and sexuality. We long to unite, to overcome our separateness, to reach out and grow. To do this we must be able to accept change, as change is necessary for our development. Without change, there is no growth, no movement, and no life. Consciousness thrives on change.
The Pleasure Principle
There is a natural tendency to move toward pleasure and away from pain. When in a state of pleasure it generally indicates that it is safe, while freeing our attention for other things. The secret is to use a particular energy of pleasure, without getting excessively attached.
Pleasure invites us to expand while pain generally makes us contract. Moving from the fixed form (base) into limitless consciousness, pleasure may become the route we use that we invite consciousness to travel along our entire nervous system, as well as to reach out to others.
Emotion is energy in motion. When we emote, we are moving energy out of the unconscious through the body into the conscious mind. This flow charges, cleanses and heals the body. It is movement of our life force, through which we achieve change. Pleasure and emotions is the root of our desires. Through desires we create movement. Through movement we create change. Change stimulates consciousness, which in turn thrives on change. This is the essence of the function of the sacral chakra.
Sexuality is a life force. Sexuality is the sacred ritual of union through the celebration of difference. It is an expansive movement of the life force - it is the dance that balances, restores, renews and reproduces. It is the source of new life and the force of the future. It is the mover and the healer of the life force within us. Sexuality is a profound rhythm pulsing through all biological life. Denying cuts us off from our subtle feelings and emotions housed in the lower chakra's and so we become cut off from our ground, our wholeness, our sense if inner-satisfaction, our sense of peace and most importantly, our expression of bringing heaven to earth. It is the joiner of hearts!
Tantrism teaches that the body is sacred and that the senses can bring about enlightenment, ecstasy and joy. Sexual union is only a minor part of this teaching. Anyone can nurture and everyone needs it. It is like watering a thirsty plant. We respond to flow, to movement, to dance of life in its infinite pleasures and mysteries. Through this act, life is preserved and renewed!
Solar Plexus Chakra
The third chakra located above the belly button, helps us manifest all of who we are, including our values, visions and goals. It’s where we hold our sense of self and use our personal power to carry out our intentions. Governed by the fire element, the third chakra is where we take action. When blocked, we don’t have enough fire, or energy to act. We can become passive and unable to muster up the discipline, courage or confidence required to create what we want.
As we reclaim our bodies and reach through the emotion and desire to find our will, purpose and action. As we grow in strength, we feel our power going in strength from our guts, descending from our vision, releasing joyously from our hearts. This is the meeting place of our energies, from the upper chakra's descending down with our vision, expression and love and the lower two chakra's embracing the solidity and growing with the flow of life.
The first chakra brings us solidity, stability, focus and structure. The second chakra brings us the experienced difference, change, and movement. Here we embrace the polarities and discover the passions of difference, choice, emotion, and desire. These two combined create a third state of energy known as combustion – fire. It is through our will that we liberate ourselves from fixed patterns and create new behaviour, i.e. transformation. Doing something with ease and grace is the mark of true power.
Of course all three chakras operate together all the time and we cannot just focus on one, but when we separate the function of each for intellectual understanding, we can better integrate the teachings within, causing internal healing.
The Lustrous Gem
This started as the pre-natal source of our nourishment and energy. In the body this chakra connects with the adrenal glands. It is the adrenalin that creates the fight or flight action. Those butterfly feelings are the energies going up rather than coming down from the upper chakras, yet there is an awakened feeling of heightened sensitivity. When we are grounded, this stimulation from the upper chakras becomes our power and we become empowered and vitalised. Without grounding the energy flows all over the place until we become grounded.
Power that involves domination over one party by another, commonly called “power over” is not true power. As we can see from the way that power is developed within us, we need to develop power as integration, power within and the power of connecting with the forces of life. Power only exists in the doing, in the power of change or ideas. We can replace “power over” with “power to”. Power results from combining and integrating rather than fighting and dominating.
Will is consciously controlled change. As the second chakra opens dualities, we are presented with choices. Making those choices gives birth to the will. Will is the means that we overcome the lower chakra inertia and the essential spark that ignites our flame of our power. Will, is the combination of mind and action, the conscious direction of desire, the means through which we create our future. Personal power without will is impossible. This is why will is the primary key to development of the solar plexus / third chakra.
The attributes of: power, will, vitality and self-discipline are ultimately based on self-esteem. When our self-esteem is high we are assertive, confident, proactive, disciplined and feel really good about life. When our self-esteem is low, we are filled with doubt and self-recriminations, lethargy, laziness, block everything, become paralysed, etc. and we can loathe life.
Self-esteem is essential for forming a good foundation for the opening of the heart and maintaining successful relationships. If we have developed our lower chakras properly, then our partner does not need to make us secure, interpret our feelings, or bolster our ego. We are then ready to move completely into the experience of delightful love.
Breaking Powerlessness
Knowledge is power. Most powerlessness is the result of ignorance about how to behave effectively. There are many ways to becoming powerful and some may be by doing some or all of the following block breakers: breaking inertia, avoid invalidation, get personal energy to flow correctly, effort and resistance indicators are something you must stop doing, break attachments by letting go, attention, grounding, anger, increasing information, love, laughter, take care of yourself and finally, empowerment meditation.
Heart Chakra
This chakra is the central point, the essence and kernel of Truth. This is where we go to “the heart of the matter”, which is our spiritual centre, the core, the place that unifies forces from above and below, within and without. The task of the heart chakra is to balance the various aspects of our being. This brings us steadiness and continuity. It is the “binding” force that holds all together - the building blocks of life.
It is the divine presence of empathic connection, rather than an extension of our desire and / or need. If our will is properly channelled and our needs have been fulfilled or transcended, then love can emerge with a deep sense of peace that comes from a lack of need, with a joyous acceptance of our place among all things and the radiance that comes from inner harmony.
The Still Centre Point
In the body, it relates to the cardiac plexus and rules over the heart, the lungs, and the thymus gland. If a spiral is placed over the chakra system of the body, we see that the “heart” is at the centre of it all. The spiral is telling us that the heart knows it all; this is where it all starts to unfold into its full power. It is the unfolding of what is hidden. For the heart to function properly it needs an understanding of the world and it’s inter-relationships of other things.
Love is what we all need and want. Many live in fear of it and will do anything that threatens its existence. The way that we are taught love from our parents, were conditioned in some way. This may have been through the approval route or lack of approval, or conditioned approval. Blocking the flow of love usually decreases the flow of what we receive as well. It is a vicious cycle. The old saying of “what you give is what you get”. Rejection at our inner core is what we, as humans, fear most. Rejection of it brings a state of imbalance. The heart is the integrator; rejection is the “dis-integrator. Love involves all the chakras and they are all to be functioning fully for us to know that we love and are fully loved.
Relationship and Balance
If the heart chakra is out of balance, it throws the whole entire system out of balance. This can be due to a number of factors such as: imbalance between giving and receiving, basic life force, spiritual evolution, money, sex, power, housework, childcare, communication, etc. There needs to be balance between upper and lower chakras, between mind and body, between inner and outer worlds, between self and transcendence. Lastly, the heart needs to be balanced between input and output and because love is everywhere, we can give freely of love, as there is an infinite supply.
Healing energy is the restoration of balance. When we encounter imbalance, whether it is caused by a germ, injury, emotion, stress, it is still a place of imbalance. This imbalance unbalances the organism and destroys the natural resonant affinity. When the heart is open and comes from a place of balance there is a natural tendency or urge to heal. This is spirituality spreading itself around.
Breath – The Heart of Life
Breath is one of the most powerful tools for transforming ourselves, for burning up toxins, for releasing stored emotions, changing body structure and changing consciousness. By learning to breathe deeply we can change our whole body structure and once changed, the body hungers for this increased supply of oxygen. It is a natural healing oriented process.
Throat Chakra
Communication is the connecting principle that makes life possible. Communication happens in all sorts of ways: nerve communication, DNA communication, brain waves and muscle tissue, defence against disease, growth of the body, etc. Society is equally dependent on communication to get things done in the business world. Communication networks are the cultural nervous system, connecting us all.
The throat chakra is the centre related to communication through sound, vibration, self-expression, and creativity. It is the realm of consciousness that controls, creates, transmits, and receives communication, both within ourselves and with each other. It is the centre of dynamic creativity, of synthesising old ideas into something new. Its attributes include listening, speaking, writing, chanting, telepathy and any of the arts, especially those related to sound and language.
Communication is an act of connection. Before communication there was diverging views, after communication there are now common views. Communication between people is parting of information from one brain to another. It is the sharing of information, it is the extending of, it is the expanding of, allowing our world to become larger.
Truth and Lies
We all need to speak our truth to express our individuality. Repressed people will speak only that which they want to hear. A fearful person will be afraid to speak their truth. A person without ego strength (self-esteem) and will, will be afraid of what others think and give up their authenticity, i.e. who they are.
The Purifier
This implies two things about this centre. The first is that, greater levels of sensitivity are required to successfully reach and open the throat chakra; the body must attain a certain level of purification. The second is that sound, as a vibration and a force inherent in all things, has a purifying nature. Sound has the ability to affect the cellular structure of matter.
Sound – Subtle World of Vibration
Operating from the fifth level chakra, we become aware of things on a vibrational level. We may choose to respond on a vibrational level from the tone of the voice rather than the actual voice or words, for us to know what is actually going on. Unfortunately most of us are not consciously aware of our actions and reactions on this plane.
Resonance is a very important concept to understand for the fifth chakra. If we are unable to tune into / entrain ourselves into the frequencies around us, we cannot experience our connection to the world. If we cannot entrain, we cannot communicate. Without communication we are isolated, separate, cut off from the nourishing energy so vital to health. Communication, be it oral, chemical, mental, or electrical, creates / facilitates that the ethers be translated into matter, which creates and maintains life. Without it we die, both spirituality and physically. Yet, language is the tip of the iceberg of communication.
Communication is a creative process. As we express ourselves we are exercising the creative power within ourselves, to facilitate that expression. The process of creation is a process of inner discovery. In creating art we open ourselves up to the Universe and we become channels for information and learning a language more Universal than human tongues.
Third-Eye Chakra
The third eye, located about an inch above the bridge of the nose, is where we receive inspiration and intuition and where we connect with other dimensional realms. The essence and functioning of this chakra is the gift of seeing both the inner and outer worlds. The two-fold nature of the chakra is to take in images through perception, but also to form images from which we command our reality, commonly known as creative visualisation. To hold an image in the mind increases the possibility of it becoming manifest or materialising.
Light has the ability to carry information on it that enables us to gain insight to and to see. Our primary information comes through our eyes, our ability to see patterns and interpret them. Once we see what the pattern is becoming, we can intuit the steps necessary to complete it.
Pattern Recognition
At a critical point in the assembling of information, the incomplete pattern reveals the whole. This is a function / task of this Chakra. Its function is to assemble information into meaningful patterns for the self. Through the process of self-reflection we start to lead ourselves into self-knowledge and wholeness.
Illusion is often something that we feel should be, but usually it is an image of what it currently is not. Our attachment to it pulls us out of the present time, where we may see realistically. The more we invest in the illusion the harder it is to let go of it. The investment seals or encapsulates the energy into an illusion, giving it what we call archetypal proportions or conditions. This encapsulation of this illusion leads us along the path of repetitive cycles that keep us from true understanding.
Archetypes can be symbolically represented by what is called the archetypal image. When an archetypal image is not fully integrated into the ego, then we are subject to illusion.
Dreams link the conscious and the unconscious mind or put differently, dreams unlock the mystery that unites the Soul and Spirit, individual and Universal, into a dynamic and synthesized whole.
Intuition is the unconscious recognition of pattern. The development of intuition enhances our psychic abilities and it is a central function of this chakra.
The final outcome of working with this chakra, with its archetypes and images, dreams and fantasies, symbols and illusions, are the symbol of the emergence of our own personal vision. Vision uses imagination to create something that has never been seen before. Its image, held in our mind becomes the blueprint for our construction of reality. It becomes the new picture, the new way of seeing, through which the light of our consciousness will shine.
Crown Chakra
The crown chakra, at the top of the head, is where our Divine Self connects to the human form and where we experience oneness with the Universe. This is where we receive divine wisdom and the flow of higher light. The Separation of spirituality from the rest of life leaves us spiritually homeless. In many circles it is construed that to become spiritual or to seek enlightenment means to deny the basic nature of our biological existence. This chasm between heaven and earth creates a corresponding abyss between spirit and soul that many fall into, as they try to engage their spiritual learning’s.
Sentient beings have the capacity to tap into the universal field of intelligence, where vast stores of information reside, much along the lines of how a personal computer can access information across the Internet. Opening the crown chakra is about expanding our awareness so that it can embrace the larger portion of the universal field of consciousness.
Diving in the River of Consciousness
Until now, the journey through the lower chakras has enabled us to approach our learning’s and teachings in a more rational way. It is almost like sitting on the bank of a river and watching the water flow by. In a way, it is like we have learnt all about the reasons why the water flows, how much it flows, why the flow varies, etc., etc. If we now immerse ourselves into the river, our perspective of things as to how they work and function now, shifts dramatically. This symbology is similar to us plunging into the mythical system.
The Witness/ The Authentic Self
Sometimes the consciousness within is referred to as the witness. The witness is something above and beyond the body and its experience. The witness sits behind our normal activity, watching without judgment our changing emotions, the flurry of thoughts, the impulses and attachments. To become aware of the witness is to become aware of the essence that dwells within. We need to go about life being aware of the witness inside of us, at all times.
Belief Systems
Each of the lower chakras up to this point will all be operating according to our belief systems for each particular chakra. If we look at the crown chakra and we use the analogy that the crown chakra is like an operating system, then the operating system will interpret the instructions given to it according to the program (belief system) of each of the chakras. In other words, it MAKES meaning out of each of them, according to how we have programmed them with our belief systems.
Attachment – the Demon of the Crown Chakra
While attachment is necessary for making and maintaining commitments essential to the lower chakras, it inhibits our ability to expand in the crown chakra. Attachment denies the constantly fluid state of the Universal system. The evaluation of attachments needs to be approached from a point of balance.
Higher Power
Opening up to a higher power and the mystical and transcendental side of spirituality in general, requires the ability to surrender. Only by surrendering our attachments, our unworkable belief systems, our addictive habits and our need to control, can we truly experience the magnitude of our magnificent Self. Only then - and only then, do we open ourselves to the abundant possibilities that exist. This is the secret about “The Secret”.
Transcendence and Immanence
The purpose of moving up or developing ourselves through the chakras is one of constant transcendence, where each new level encompasses the chakra below into a larger framework. The experience of transcendence is one of personal liberation.
Clearing your Energy System
Universal energy has both an upward and a downward flow through the body. The upward flow of energy is from the earth and liberates us. When clear, this energy flow can release us from fixed ideas or patterns that aren’t helpful. The downward flow of energy comes in through the crown of the head and is the energy of manifestation. When this flow is clear, we get ideas and inspiration from our upper chakras and we act on them using our lower chakras. So, if there is a block in the upper flow of energy, we stay fixed in our thoughts and behaviors that might be preventing us from creating more of who we are and what we want. If there is a block in the downward flow, we can have ideas, but we are unable to manifest them into the world.
All of your thoughts, feelings, belief systems and vibrations create your aura, the field of Universal energy surrounding your body. The aura is your personal energy climate, which travels with you throughout the day 24/7, attracting positive and negative experiences that match its unique magnetic energies. This universal energy also runs through the chakras. The seven major chakras govern different aspects of our body and consciousness and influence how we feel, act and manifest.
We can now see the impact of our energy system on our lives and what happens to us, for we directly attract it! The condition of the human energy system influences how effectively we are able to work with the Law of Attraction because the energy system is the magnetic force that attracts people, circumstances and events to us. While positive thoughts and feelings have an instant impact on the energy system, some energy’s have been manifested on a denser, physical level. The mind stores impressions of everything it perceives and our emotional body stores our experiences. Sadness, self-doubt, anger, lack, insufficient, never enough or any negative thoughts or behaviour patterns that have built up over time, create blockages in the energy system that need to be released before we can create change.
A block means the energy is not in motion and we can’t access the higher aspects of ourselves. We have to clear the block before we can access the higher aspects of ourselves.
You have now been on quite a journey about the energy centres of your body. You have discovered that there is more to you than meets the eye. When you develop more and more, so your system becomes clearer and you are able to attract whatever you want more easily.
- Now think about that for a while. The implications of this are huge for you.
- Second thing to contemplate is why do you think that you are constructed this way. What did the creator have in mind for you? What is the purpose?
- Third thing to contemplate is how do these energy’s come into play in relationships - romantic, friends, colleagues, authority, children and humanity.
We all are wondrous beings. The trick is, we just have to realise it!
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